Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Test From My Cell E-mail

So now I'm testing the idea of e-mailing in a blog posting. I'm at work and taking a quick break.

Here's another pic of my lovely wife ;-* <end>

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This Is A Test

I'm totally new to this whole blogging thing! If you know me and you have my number, call me to tell me this worked. On Thanksgiving Katherine and I got alittle vain and wanted to update my Cali family on our latest in fashion and glamour.

If this works, I do want everyone to know how the Glory of the Lord is falling on Everett, WA. Christ's Love through The Holy Spirit is manifesting in power and in demonstration. The following is a picture I took of a single mother that was Praising the Lord and had a break through and had a loving moment with her daughter. Hopefully you'll notice the awesome image in the background where her son is playing (hint: that is a fern with several large leaves that changes appearance in the glare).