Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Baby sasquatch had his 2 month birthday check-up 2 days ago. Jeshua is now 13.4 lbs. and 25.5" long; yahoo!!! He can now focus on things a few feet from his face and has moments of non-gas smiling. We're blessed with him having about 5 to 7 hours of straight sleep each night, with a few nights being fussier than others.

Our prophet likes to praise the Lord everytime he gets his hands free. Hallellujah!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Misc Pics

Check out the final take of the Findng Nemo Nursery!!

First Photo Session

I took Jeshua to Babies R Us today for his first photo session, with a change of clothes even. He did
really great. He got a little tired and had to take a break, and these pics came out real cute! He
held his head up for the one pose the whole time she was trying to take the pic. Super strong boy!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hanging out with Daddy!

He's so big, and he shared his first real non-gas related smile with us on Feb 8th. His personality is
starting to come forward to be seen!!

First Standing Up - with lots of help!

Flashback to December 23rd 2008

Here are some picture just minutes after Jeshua was born! Sorry it's been so long since we posted
pictures. We took some recent ones I will post after this. It's hard to believe he was that small in
the hospital.