Sunday, January 4, 2009


We are sooooo grateful for such a loving Church family. We were mobbed for about 2 hours after the service. It was totally obvious that Jeshua is everyone's baby of promise. There's such an amazing spirit of ownership in our Church family.

And we have now confirmed that the 2 happy shiny people in this picture are the confirmed God Parents; Ben & Kandace Santa Cruz. There speechless crying when we were just speaking pretty much says it all. They were in the hospital with us for the majority of the time and Kandace was in the delivery room and just gave us a disk full of the most amazing pictures of the birth. We love them and appreciate them in our lives and the life of our son!

This is Jeshua's future girlfriend Camille. She's practicing looking enticing. I held her up to Jeshua and told her to burn that face in her memory, and dream about your future husband. I was reminded when we got home that it will be a chick fight (a blessed Christlike discussion) between Camille and our other friends new baby girl Kailey.

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