Monday, December 24, 2007


The Lord is making it soooooo clear lately that he Loves us, and that is more amazing than us Loving him...

1 JOHN 4:10 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

ROMANS 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

ROMANS 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Our friends the Hienemanns are such a living example of that right now. Their daughter Aimee (Ah-may) has sparked a huge move of God's love in their lives by his provision for them in their time of need, but also in unifying a huge diversity of people together in prayer for Aimee. And they are abundantly blessed due to their steadfast Faith and Love. They receive and accept God's Love, having full understanding that it can not be earned and/or deserved.

Visit their blog at for the great updates...

1 THESS 1:2 We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, 3 remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Heinemanns, your daughter is not the only child that is a tesimony to Christ's Loving and Healing sacrifice. There was an amazing testimony from a 8 or 9 year old girl named Alicia yesterday. She came down with a random case of Lyme Disease several months ago and started loosing function in her face. She was in a youth service and she heard the audible voice of The Lord say "Mark 5:34" (audible to the point that she thought it was the person next to her).

And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease."

Within a 3 month period she has been made completely whole and is healed! Praise the Lord, for He is Good, and His Mercy Endures Forever!


Did something very different this year with some friends from Church. The Yotters and Chad & Liz (Newly Engaged; yahoo!) led the charge to Warm Beach Christian Camp in Stanwood, WA. They have a village of lights that they set up every year, that they start setting up after Labor Day. In the first pic, not only do they create a huge net of lights to create a mountain scene, the tree to the right has a string of lights zip tied to each and every branch.

All I could picture is some Christmas nazi that has to black out his entire neighborhood to tie strings of light to each and every branch. It was awesome. The mountain scene was half the size of a football field. Hopefully it's not blasphemous, but someone forgot to change baby Jesuses diaper in the huge nativity, he was layin in a poddle. Yet another sacrifice he made for us!

It runs until 10pm and we got there at 9pm and got half price entry. I'd suggest though that if you are a donut fanatic like Chad, that you get there sooner so you can stand in line for what I've heard are legendary donuts. Poor guy got rejected in 3 locations because they were closing. Good times for Christmas!!!

Katherine's got more pics to follow on her phone. (Hint) Phone cameras are not the greatest for night shots.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I refuse to call her my sister, seeing as how I am not a dog
:-). But I can finally say that I'm no longer Momma's baby. Molly is a pure breed Lab. AAAAAAWWWWWWHHHHH!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Katherine called me a few weeks ago when she was at a friends running store and asked if I wanted to join this run with her. When I grunted and said I'm not sure, she said ''great, I'll pay for your entry''.

Paying money to stand out in the cold with a few thousand crazy people at 8am on a Sunday morning isn't my typical Sunday morning. It was fun even though I whined. Katherine had planned all summer to take a friend's daughter Nicole on the kids portion of the run that was 8:20 to 8:45. Nicole was very cute, very excited, and very cold. She finished; yeeeaaaa!

We walked with our friends Bill, Heather, and their son Rhett. We've all been off our exercise plan for the past few months, and I slowed the whole train with my walking. The most embarassing part was the included video of the 2 year old that passed us a few times and finished before me. Bill was very pleased that he finished before the kid.

Katherine on the way home ensured me that she'll make sure to sign us up every year.

Monday, December 3, 2007


It started snowing on Saturday and lasted all day and middle of the day Sunday; it rocked! It started raining yesterday evening and now it's all gone

I AM THE MASTER SURPRISE GIFT GIVER... But I screwed up Sat. Katherine wanted a nice warm, stylish neoprene shelled jacket a few weeks ago. While out on errands I found the perfect one on a one-time sale, in her favorite color red. I went home to get her after she was done working. I'm really building it up as a surprise. And she getting gitty asking what while she's trying to finish some phone calls. She's asking random questions and I'm answering with, ''get in the car''. She finishing phone calls, and I'm pacing and notice she wore my very obviously man looking work jacket (it truly irritates me to see my attractive wife wear a man jacket). And as I'm walking past the dang jacket, I randomly say ''Cause I'm sick of seeing you wear a man jacket''. I stop in mid-step and stare at her and she stops what she's doing and stares at me with this victorious little smirk, mixed with alittle awe at my total slip. She states the obvious, ''so I'm getting a jacket'', and then we both look amazed as we both say, ''you actually said that out loud''.

Its not the best pics but we are open to any suggestions on the most affordable place to find a decent digital camera.