Monday, December 3, 2007


It started snowing on Saturday and lasted all day and middle of the day Sunday; it rocked! It started raining yesterday evening and now it's all gone

I AM THE MASTER SURPRISE GIFT GIVER... But I screwed up Sat. Katherine wanted a nice warm, stylish neoprene shelled jacket a few weeks ago. While out on errands I found the perfect one on a one-time sale, in her favorite color red. I went home to get her after she was done working. I'm really building it up as a surprise. And she getting gitty asking what while she's trying to finish some phone calls. She's asking random questions and I'm answering with, ''get in the car''. She finishing phone calls, and I'm pacing and notice she wore my very obviously man looking work jacket (it truly irritates me to see my attractive wife wear a man jacket). And as I'm walking past the dang jacket, I randomly say ''Cause I'm sick of seeing you wear a man jacket''. I stop in mid-step and stare at her and she stops what she's doing and stares at me with this victorious little smirk, mixed with alittle awe at my total slip. She states the obvious, ''so I'm getting a jacket'', and then we both look amazed as we both say, ''you actually said that out loud''.

Its not the best pics but we are open to any suggestions on the most affordable place to find a decent digital camera.

1 comment:

Lansdale said...

Costco is great for most things electronic... They usually have good prices on cameras. Though (Frys) also has great prices. We are doing the research on cameras too.