Sunday, December 9, 2007


Katherine called me a few weeks ago when she was at a friends running store and asked if I wanted to join this run with her. When I grunted and said I'm not sure, she said ''great, I'll pay for your entry''.

Paying money to stand out in the cold with a few thousand crazy people at 8am on a Sunday morning isn't my typical Sunday morning. It was fun even though I whined. Katherine had planned all summer to take a friend's daughter Nicole on the kids portion of the run that was 8:20 to 8:45. Nicole was very cute, very excited, and very cold. She finished; yeeeaaaa!

We walked with our friends Bill, Heather, and their son Rhett. We've all been off our exercise plan for the past few months, and I slowed the whole train with my walking. The most embarassing part was the included video of the 2 year old that passed us a few times and finished before me. Bill was very pleased that he finished before the kid.

Katherine on the way home ensured me that she'll make sure to sign us up every year.

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