Monday, December 24, 2007


Did something very different this year with some friends from Church. The Yotters and Chad & Liz (Newly Engaged; yahoo!) led the charge to Warm Beach Christian Camp in Stanwood, WA. They have a village of lights that they set up every year, that they start setting up after Labor Day. In the first pic, not only do they create a huge net of lights to create a mountain scene, the tree to the right has a string of lights zip tied to each and every branch.

All I could picture is some Christmas nazi that has to black out his entire neighborhood to tie strings of light to each and every branch. It was awesome. The mountain scene was half the size of a football field. Hopefully it's not blasphemous, but someone forgot to change baby Jesuses diaper in the huge nativity, he was layin in a poddle. Yet another sacrifice he made for us!

It runs until 10pm and we got there at 9pm and got half price entry. I'd suggest though that if you are a donut fanatic like Chad, that you get there sooner so you can stand in line for what I've heard are legendary donuts. Poor guy got rejected in 3 locations because they were closing. Good times for Christmas!!!

Katherine's got more pics to follow on her phone. (Hint) Phone cameras are not the greatest for night shots.

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