Monday, December 29, 2008


After his first Doctor’s check-up this is actually his first non-medical adventure yesterday, that allowed us to dress him and put him in the car seat.  We needed to run errands and Katherine wanted to drive so she could feel comfortable taking Jeshua to his next check-up today by herself.  We are learning that running errands quickly will never happen again.  Nothing ewill ever be quickly again J.  Everyone is great, we are on the every 2 hour feeding schedule for the past couple of days and he is finally starting to pee 6 or more times a day. Mom is moving around and healing.  GOD is good!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Check this out... This is a pic of our nephew Erik Carl Burdick at birth. Isn't the similarity
amazing?! Katherine even stated the similarity with Jeshua's 30th week 4-D ultrasound picture.


It's so easy for people to say he looks like an angel.  Let's not forget we were made above the angels and they are in our command, due to the authority we have as Sons & Daughters of GOD thanks and praise be to the name and blood of Jesus Christ.  So after that little preach, isn't this Commander of Angels pretty darn cute.


Thursday, December 25, 2008


Prophet Ruckins McKinley visited our Church in Oct 2007 and prophesied that we would have a Christmas baby, and we did. He also prophesied we would be blessed with land (like farmland), in March 08 we were in our new house that had FAR more land than we thought was possible, and a few months later our neighbor told us how our lot used to be farm area and she use to ride her horse through the yard that is our house. GLORY TO GOD for his promised word, just like the promise of His Son that would set us all free!!!

This kid is incredibly strong, especially when he's kicking. He's got iron legs that make it very hard to keep him still when changing his diaper and still avoid hard contact with his exposed circumcised man part. He has also already gone from the laying on the belly mode below to rolling himself over onto his back. Thank GOD for his Mother's athletic stamina instead of his Father's artistic atrophy.

It's amazing that he's changing soooooo much, that he already doesn't look the same as last night. Momma and I are great; we had him skin to skin all night, which completely makes him peaceful. After feeding every 3 hours, we got a full nights sleep and he's still sleeping. Yahoo!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


We are introducing Jeshua Carl Johann to the world. His momma is one tough chick that earned 100 times more honor in my eyes having pushed an iron cannonball through a garden hose. Her water broke at 4am on Monday 12/22. She was committed to go all natural so we waited as long as possible before using petocyn (sp?) to induce more consistent contractions at 10:30pm. Started pushing at 5:30am 12/23 and without any eppy's she pushed out a 14.5" head at 10am 12/23. He was 9.9 lbs and measured off their midget rulers at 22.5" long. Katherine had a supernatural pain endurance from God and can actually say that through about 90% of the 30 hour process her pain level was as high as 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. More will come later after we sleep ;-)

P.S. We have no idea where the hair came from; definitely not Daddy!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


For the Ohioans, this 1 to 2 feet of snow is just another day.  To you Californians, the white stuff is called snow.  And please pray for me that I somehow gain the wisdom to explain to my prego wife that this will not impact our trip to the hospital when it's time.  We have had non-stop snow for 2 days, aprximately 1 to 2 feet of snow, and we've had enough of Washington drivers! BUT, freeways are clear and the trip to the hospital is easy.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I must point out that nothing in our entire house, except for a handful of furniture, has been purchased by us. Absolutely all has been given to us by friends, family, and even some strangers. GOD has so richly blessed us when showing Himself as our provision and supplier.

The room is designed in an underwater theme, with Finding Nemo as the inspiration. Vinyl printed Nemo themes will be added soon.

There was a friend from Church who had a sister that was dying from cancer. She heard about the maricles that took place with us having the little vanilla bean, and she wanted to sew a quilt as a gift. She died a few months ago before she had a chance to do that, and when she was dying she wanted to make sure that we received all the white shelves in her place, as well as our first official (non-midget) Christmas Tree. Another friend from Church has given a huge TV box full of boys clothes ranging in size from infant to about 2 years old. We literally will not have to buy any clothes or shoes for the first few years. Other friends have also provided huge garbage bags full of clothes.

The bassinet has been in Katherine's family since 1907. Every new baby's butt in her family has been laid in that place and their name engraved on a plate underneath. Katherine's Grandmother, Mother, Sister, Brother, Neice, and Nephews have all had ther butt in that bassinet.

Lastly, our sister-in-law Cynthia is amazing with knitting, and made us the first in the line of Jeshua memorabilia. Please stay in touch and this could be your's on the online auction for Jeshua keepsakes, in 18 years.



There's been alot of fan request for Miss Katherine to add some pics of her pregnancy. We tried to do a monthly shot, but life preperation got in the way ;-). Here's a few months of big belly progression.




This is Prophet Ruckins McKinley who is the man of GOD that was at our Church last year (at the same time) and actually prophecied we would have a Christmas baby, as well as telling us we'd be blessed with property, which occurred 5 months later.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Introducing our little Vanilla Bean: Jeshua Carl Johann

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mi Familia

I can't believe I haven't updated since way back at the beginning of the house and my family trip to Cali. Since than, my very nice new step momma sent me pictures of our gathering with da Johann's. Here's photos of my sister, brother, pops, and I. With some very nice shots of our King and Queens. It's pretty amazing, but we didn't plan that all the Johann men had goat beards, and some were bald. Put we's sure pretty!

Notice how my dashingly handsome brotha can't seem to keep his eyes open during photo shoots? He's so shy ;-)

Blessed Beyond Measure

It's been a long time obviously since we've updated anyone on our life. For those that don't already know, we are on week 19 in Katherine's PREGNANCY... YAHHHOOOOO!!! I'll sure try to add additions as we go. We had an awesome House Warming Party a couple months ago that had 60 some people arrive and we surprisingly had food left over. From everyone's generousity, we were able to buy all the paint for 2/3rds of the house. I've started painting with the intention of having most of the painting completed before the babies come.

Our Church is blossoming and God is really showing us all how to build stronger relationships with our family at Church and in the Body of Christ. We've had some pretty amazing guest speakers this summer, but probably one of the most significant was the Internationally recognized and respected speaker, author, and virtuous woman of God, Billie Brim. That anointed woman called my wife and I forward and laid hands on Katherine to bless the health of our seed, and these miraculous pictures are what resulted.

There's so much more to share with how good God has been to us, but I'll just have to make some more installments.

Monday, March 31, 2008


There's lots of people today that say that it's difficult to hear from God. It's not difficult, you just have to "seek his face" and he will reveal himself to those that believe.

About 9 months ago the Lord told me that we would be in a house. Just so you fully understand the idea, we were not looking and thought we would rent for many years to come. We were paying $800/mo for rent, utilities, water; everything. We were spoiled. The Lord wanted to stretch us and our Faith! He told me we would be in a house in 8 months and told me the amount that was (extremely) low. Through the months to come we realized it was to get us to understand the monthly amount we wanted to pay. The amount was so low we were reserved to thinking condo or preferrably townhouse (at least I was), Katherine was always looking at houses ;-)

We were into 7 months and 2 weeks and we had not heard back from our Mortgage lady about some cleaning that needed done with my credit. We finally met and the credit still looked bad and the monthly rates weren't at all what we were expecting. Then she comes up with the idea of leasing to own. She knew a few people and had us connected within a day or two. Within the 2 week period we viewed 2 "HOUSES". Even though the house prices were out of our range completely, the monthly rates were just right. Within two weeks, we viewed 2 houses, agreed on OUR home, and had papers ready too sign the day after the end of the 8th month. Its twice the amount of house we could have expected on .27 acres of land. Check out the back yard.

We went from 750 sq ft to 1300 and .27 acres. GOD is Good!!!

It snowed on Saturday night.

Entertainment Room.

Tiny kitchen, but we got some big plans for this ;-)

The day we went to sign the lease papers, my bosses took me to lunch and offered me a raise and promotion. We were expected to lease the house for a year before attempting to sign the ownership papers so that my credit could repair and we could attempt to get better interest rates. The raise changed a few things financially that I don't fully understand, but we are now targetted to sign the ownership papers on May 1st. 10 months in advance!!!

Romans 4

20 Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. 21 He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. 22 And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. 23 And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded 24 for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.