Wednesday, December 24, 2008


We are introducing Jeshua Carl Johann to the world. His momma is one tough chick that earned 100 times more honor in my eyes having pushed an iron cannonball through a garden hose. Her water broke at 4am on Monday 12/22. She was committed to go all natural so we waited as long as possible before using petocyn (sp?) to induce more consistent contractions at 10:30pm. Started pushing at 5:30am 12/23 and without any eppy's she pushed out a 14.5" head at 10am 12/23. He was 9.9 lbs and measured off their midget rulers at 22.5" long. Katherine had a supernatural pain endurance from God and can actually say that through about 90% of the 30 hour process her pain level was as high as 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. More will come later after we sleep ;-)

P.S. We have no idea where the hair came from; definitely not Daddy!


Anonymous said...

The consensus among the Burdicks (Junior) and the Swans is that he is perfect! He has his mommy's hair, we think. His mouth and nose reminds us of Brad when he was little. He is going to change quickly though. . .

Lansdale said...

What a remarkably beautiful child you have! I can hardly wait to get my hands on him! Congrats Johann's! I'm so very happy for you both!! LOVE YOU!

Elizabeth Marian said...

The richmonds send much love and think he is adorable!!!!! We cannot wait to meet him!!!

Merry Christmas and much much much love!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both! Katherine, you are so strong. A very Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful new little boy!

Anonymous said...

Oh Katherine, I am so happy for you and so glad your birth experience was all you expected. Congrats on your new son...
Love Dinah

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you guys and for Jeshua! he is gorgeous, and so areyou Katherine! what a glow you have! way to go on the amazing labor and birth! I can't wait to see that little guy!!