Monday, December 29, 2008


After his first Doctor’s check-up this is actually his first non-medical adventure yesterday, that allowed us to dress him and put him in the car seat.  We needed to run errands and Katherine wanted to drive so she could feel comfortable taking Jeshua to his next check-up today by herself.  We are learning that running errands quickly will never happen again.  Nothing ewill ever be quickly again J.  Everyone is great, we are on the every 2 hour feeding schedule for the past couple of days and he is finally starting to pee 6 or more times a day. Mom is moving around and healing.  GOD is good!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Is it possible? He's getting cuter every day! Can't wait to meet you "big guy."

Lansdale said...

Oh he is so cute!! And no, running errands are never an easy thing to do. They become an all day adventure. Keep extra diapers in the glove box! ha ha

Love you guys!